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I. Academic Excellence

One must obtain a minimum of 10 "points" that are determined by the courses a student takes and the grades earned in them. A printed copy of the up-to-date official Portal Transcript is turned in to verify academic honesty on the online application form. As eligibility is based on the previous semester’s grades, freshmen are not eligible for full CSF membership until the spring. Classes qualifying for membership are determined by the state organization, not by California High School.


II. Volunteer Service 

Member must complete a minimum of 7 hours of volunteer service before each membership drive to qualify for membership.  Even if a member has not completed the 7-hour requirement before the Fall membership drive they can still become a member for the semester. But, the hours that were not completed for the Fall membership drive will be added to the 7 hours needed for the Spring membership drive. CSF does not host volunteer events; members should find hours from outside organizations, clubs, charities, etc. Any service that is UNPAID counts. CSF will share other opportunities periodically on the Volunteer Opportunities list at the bottom of the page. Please track your hours using the spreadsheet linked below.


To earn a semester of CSF membership, the applicant must fulfill 2 objectives within the semester previous to the respective drive:


1. Visit the Cal High Website.

2. Click "Infinite Campus Parent Portal" on the right-hand column. Log in.

3. Make sure you are on your student page (Top left corner: click "Select A Student" & your name).

4. Click "Documents" in the left-hand column and click the last link: "Portal Transcript".


Click below to access the service hours tracking spreadsheet!

All service hours must have a supervisor contact listed. CSF officers will pick applications at random to contact and verify hours, so please be honest in reporting your hours. Hours from other clubs (Key Club, Interact, NVLP, etc.) are permitted.


If you have any questions about volunteer hours for CSF, please contact


Check out the spreadsheet below for a list of both in-person and virtual volunteer opportunities ! This sheet was made by our activities coordinators and will periodically be updated with new opportunities.


Hours must be tracked on the spreadsheet linked above. You are free to participate in any volunteer opportunity or event; this list is not the only ones you can pick from.

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